Sunday, February 15, 2009

We're Moving

Its official we are moving a few blocks away to a bigger house. That means that we have a thousand projects to do, packing and a baby to have! Both Andy and I are feeling a little overwhelmed but are confident that this is the right decision. It is ironic how God seems to give us too much only to show us that He is the one who will be able to get us through. Here is a picture of the house we are moving to. It is one block down from the park in Sumner.

Andy has been lovingly working on the last of the house projects at our little house. Here is a picture of him installing a picture window in our kitchen. Sometimes I'm amazed by how much he can do.

Nathan is also determined to be a little helper as Andy or I work on any project. He is actually really good at not getting too much in the way and it is a lot of fun to include him.

My due date is tomorrow, Feb 16! Crazy! A couple of weeks ago I didn't think I could wait any longer to have this baby and now with all these changes I feel like I don't have time to have this baby yet. This weekend we are pretty focused on getting the packing and painting done on the house we are currently living in so that we can rent it out. If anyone is looking for a 2 bedroom house in Downtown Sumner to rent let us know. We have the perfect one!


Michelle said...

Wow, I can't believe how busy you must be!! That's exciting to be getting a new house though. I hope everything goes smoothly! Let me know if you need help watching Nathan or anything. We'll try to help if we can! :)

God Made Playdough said...

I heard about Daniel! Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see him!