Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Welcome to Our Blog!

Well, I have finally gotten around to starting a blog for our family. I guess the best place to start is with an introduction. Here is my family on our trip to South Africa a year ago. I can't believe how quickly time has flown by.

This was the first Halloween Nathan participated in. He dressed up as a dragon. We took him to downtown Sumner to the Street of Treats and he had a blast having random people hand him candy. Here's another picture of Andy and Nathan.

I can't believe how quickly the year has gone and how much Nathan has grown up. But we are getting closer to the terrible-two's and I am dreading having a newborn and two year old to deal with. Nathan has definitely started to become more demanding. His favorite word is currently "mine!" He also loves to say "hi" to strangers as I walk around the store unless of course the stranger talks back to him. Then he acts as if the person had tried to attack him. He is definitely a hard guy to read sometimes.

Andy and I are very blessed to have such a good kid and are pleased that he is our son. He makes us laugh all the time and one of our favorite things to do as we debrief our day is remember the ways Nathan made us smile.


Keren said...

Nathan is SUCH a sweetheart!! I love him!! Im sure baby #2 will be just as sweet!! Can't wait to meet him either! Im sure i'll need a newborn fix by then!

Angela Miller said...

Yeah! Welcome to the blogging world. I look forward to reading your blog.

God Made Playdough said...

I'm excited you have a blog now! I have been wanting to get to know you better! Is it okay if I add your blog to mine?
Amy Wood

Richard Elfers said...

Hey Becky,

Great blog! Great pictures!

I hope you sent this to Betsy and Eugene.

Love, Rich